Strengthen Your Kidneys and Recover from Adrenal Fatigue

Strengthen Your Kidneys and Recover from Adrenal Fatigue

Over 850 million people live with some kidney disease. Among them, 37 million suffer from chronic kidney diseases. In addition, 12% of COVID 19 patients over 60 years old will develop AKI (acute kidney injury).

Every day our kidneys remove 2L of waste out of our blood and body. So, it is vital to take care of your kidneys to be healthy.

With this kidney strengthening course, you will learn how to take care of your kidneys with Ayurvedic nutrition, mindset and lifestyle advice in just four days. Additionally, as a bonus, if your energy levels are low, you can learn how to step by step manage Adrenal fatigue and burnout with Ayurveda.


Start date: 2020-11-10




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